Mullauna College junior classroom 3 Mullauna College junior classroom 3

Learning Technology (BYOD)

Learning Technology in the classroom

The inclusion of learning technologies has become an integral part of the classroom at all levels of education. They provide students with the opportunities to develop a range of multimedia skills, undertake online research, explore new ideas, create new learning and products, as well as present their ideas using a range of formats. Today’s students think, learn and live in an increasingly digital world.

At Mullauna we create a digital learning environment that provides opportunities for students to use technology seamlessly, flexibly and creatively to support their ongoing learning.

The college has a ‘Bring Your Own Device’ (BYOD) program for years 7 through 12. Students may bring ONE device for use in their classes.

We recommend purchasing via LWT:

Students can choose to bring a device with the following specifications:

  • Laptop (must run Windows 10 or later)
  • Macbook (must run Mac OSX 12.2 or later)

Please note Android devices, Chrome books and iPADs will not be supported. We strongly recommend Windows for Years 7 – 9.

For more information please refer to the Mullauna College BYOD policy and IT Code of Ethics.

Take the next step

Ready to be a part of the Mullauna College community? Take the next step and discover how we can enhance your educational journey – contact us today to learn more and get started!