Senior School

Mullauna College is divided into a Junior School (Years 7-9) and a Senior School (Years 10-12).

The range of subject choices at Mullauna provides students with access to a variety of career pathways. Selecting subjects in the Senior School can be an exciting and challenging task. For this reason, the College provides assistance and counselling to all students. Mullauna is proud of its outstanding VCE results which ensure our students entry into the full range of University and other tertiary options.

Mullauna College science 2

Year 10

In Year 10, our students broaden their horizons with access to a range of curriculum choices supported by the completion of core subjects. Students may specialise in areas of special interest, laying the foundation for future career pathways. Talented students are encouraged to undertake VCE subjects in their areas of expertise.

All students undertake a core curriculum in English, Health and Physical Education, Humanities, Mathematics and Science. From the sciences, students must select one of Biology, Chemistry, Disease and Immunology, Physics, or Psychology, whilst from the Humanities they must select one of Accounting, Business Management, Crime & Punishment, People and Places, or Wars, Rights and Freedoms. Students can then choose the remainder of their program from a diverse range of subjects including Entertaining with Foods, Art, Drama, Media, Photography and Visual Communication and Design.


The focus of Years 11 and 12 is the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE). Mullauna offers over 30 units from which our students can choose to structure pathways to post-secondary education. As part of the Mullum Cluster, Mullauna can also offer students a range of Vocational Education & Training (VET) subjects as an integral part of their VCE Course.

Vocational Major

The VCE Vocational Major is a 2-year applied learning program within the VCE. Students will develop academic and work-related skills, knowledge and confidence. It will prepare them for work and further education and training. There is no ATAR attached to the VCE VM.

In 2023 Mullauna College will be offering the VCE Vocational Major at Unit 1 and Unit 2 level. Students believed to be suitable for this model will be advised through the process of course counselling.

Take the next step

Ready to be a part of the Mullauna College community? Take the next step and discover how we can enhance your educational journey – contact us today to learn more and get started!