Strategic Plan
The School Strategic Plan sets out the school’s strategic directions for the next four years, including the school’s purpose, values and environmental context, as well as goals, targets and key improvement strategies in three student outcome areas:
- student learning
- student engagement and wellbeing
- student pathways and transitions.
The school strategic plan is developed during the year of self-evaluation, review and planning. It is informed by the information gathered and directions identified throughout the school self-evaluation and school review processes, and through staff, student and parent consultation and engagement with relevant community agencies.
Note: The school strategic plan is a living document; if a school’s circumstances change it is possible for the strategic plan to be updated outside of this cycle.
Annual Report
Mullauna’s annual school report is our evaluation of the school, its teachers, students and the school community during the year.
The report details statistical information about the school, such as how our students have performed against national standards for reading, writing and numeracy in the NAPLAN tests and details of the learning outcomes of students, drawing from the school’s internal assessment programs.
The report also summarises the school’s initiatives, targets, achievements and aspirations.
Annual Implementation Plan
The annual implementation plan describes how the key improvement strategies in the school strategic plan, and other significant projects, will be put into operation during the year and how they will be monitored. It assists schools to:
- plan and communicate their work for the coming year and how this will lead to achieving their identified goals and targets
- ensure efficient and effective allocation of resources to complete the work
- monitor progress and success.
Mullauna Secondary College,
456 Springfield Rd,
Mitcham VIC 3132
Phone Number: 03 9874 3422
Mullauna Secondary College
Mullauna Secondary College is a years 7 – 12, co-educational state secondary school set in the heart of Mitcham in Melbourne’s leafy eastern suburbs.