Student Life

The academic, personal and social learning of our students is at the centre of all decision making at the College. We are proud of the fact that we educate the whole child.


Our College offers a range of leadership programs to allow students to make a positive contribution both to Mullauna and the wider community.

Leadership positions include College Captains, House Captains, Performing Arts Captains, Visual Arts Captains, Environmental Captains, International Student Captains, Audio Visual Captains, Debating Captains, College Ambassadors and Student Representatives on the School Council.


Well-being at Mullauna – Supporting Students to access and participate in their education.

The Well-being team at Mullauna is committed to helping students engage in their education. As a well-being team we approach all students from a space of empathy and understanding, with our goal being to support students to achieve in all areas of their educational life.

Co-curricular activities

We encourage all of our students to be involved in co-curricular activities and offer a diverse range of opportunities for our students to participate in, ranging from sporting teams through to instrumental lessons and public speaking. The many activities available make it easy for students to find something that they enjoy participating in.

Camps program

Beyond the classroom, camps, challenge activities and excursions broaden the learning experiences of students.

Excursions are another integral part of our program. They provide students with an opportunity to take their learning out of the classroom and into the real world. From exhibitions at Melbourne Museum, through to trials at the law courts, from research at the State Library through to a wander along the chaotic aisles at Victoria Market, all contribute to a wealth of experiences which enrich student learning.

Careers & Pathways

Effective careers and transition programs are key components of our College’s strategy to improve student engagement and increase the number of our students who complete their schooling with us, then continue into the University or TAFE program that they have planned for. Our students are provided with pathways counselling and programs from year 7 to help them to develop the knowledge and skills they need to manage their future career paths and make and implement informed choices about school and post school options.

Take the next step

Ready to be a part of the Mullauna College community? Take the next step and discover how we can enhance your educational journey – contact us today to learn more and get started!